Last Updated Date : 19/09/2024 03:08 PM

Terms of Service

Please read these Terms of Service (“Terms”) carefully as they contain important information about your legal rights, remedies and obligations. By accessing or using the YOLOFarms Platform, you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms.

Thank you for using YOLOFarms!

These Terms constitute a legally binding agreement ("Agreement") between you and YOLOFarms (as defined below) governing your access to and use of the YOLOFarms website, including any subdomains thereof, and any other websites through which YOLOFarms makes its services available (collectively, "Site"), our mobile, tablet and other smart device applications, and application program interfaces (collectively, "Application") and all associated services (collectively, "YOLOFarms Services"). The Site, Application and YOLOFarms Services are collectively called the “YOLOFarms Platform”. Our Host Guarantee Terms, Guest Refund Policy, Nondiscrimination Policy and other Policies applicable to your use of the YOLOFarms Platform are incorporated by reference into this Agreement. We would love to host you but in any case, if the booking gets cancelled either from your side or our side, the company will not be responsible for issuing a refund. In this case, you are eligible to redeem your amount, which will be transferred to YOLO money. All laws are followed and governed by "IN" Indian Law.

Our collection and use of personal information in connection with your access to and use of the YOLOFarms Platform is described in our Privacy Policy.

Any and all payment processing services through or in connection with your use of the YOLOFarms Platform ("Payment Services") are provided to you by one or more YOLOFarms Payments entities (individually and collectively, as appropriate, "YOLOFarms Payments") as set out in the Payments Terms of Service ("Payments Terms").

Hosts alone are responsible for identifying, understanding, and complying with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to their Listings and Host Services (as defined below). For example, some cities have laws that restrict their ability to host paying guests for short periods or provide certain Host Services. In many cities, Hosts may have to register, get a permit or obtain a license before providing certain Host Services (such as preparing food, serving alcohol for sale, guiding tours or operating a vehicle). Hosts are alone responsible for identifying and obtaining any required licenses, permits, or registrations for any Host Services they offer. Certain types of Host Services may be prohibited altogether. Penalties may include fines or other enforcement. We provide some information in our Help Center to help you identify some of the obligations that apply to you. If you have questions about how local laws apply to your Listing(s) and Host Service(s) on YOLOFarms, you should always seek legal guidance.

Table of Contents

  1. Scope of YOLOFarms Services
  2. Eligibility, Using the YOLOFarms Platform, Member Verification
  3. Modification of these Terms
  4. Account Registration
  5. Content
  6. Service Fees
  7. Terms specific for Hosts
  8. Terms specific for Guests
  9. Booking Modifications, Cancellations and Refunds, Resolution Center
  10. Ratings and Reviews
  11. Damage to Accommodations, Disputes between Members
  12. Rounding off, Currency conversion
  13. Taxes
  14. Prohibited Activities
  15. Term and Termination, Suspension and Other Measures
  16. Disclaimers
  17. Liability
  18. Indemnification
  19. Dispute Resolution
  20. Feedback
  21. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
  22. General Provisions

  1. Scope of YOLOFarms Services

1.1 The YOLOFarms Platform is an online __ that enables registered users (“Members”) and certain third parties who offer services (Members and third parties who offer services are “Hosts” and the services they offer are “Host Services”) to publish such Host Services on the YOLOFarms Platform (“Listings”) and to communicate and transact directly with Members that are seeking to book such Host Services (Members using Host Services are “Guests”). Host Services may include the offering of vacation or other properties for use ("Accommodations"), single or multi-day activities in various categories (“Experiences”), access to unique events and locations (“Events”), and a variety of other travel and non-travel related services.

1.2 If you choose to use the YOLOFarms Platform as a Host or Co-Host (as defined below), your relationship with YOLOFarms is limited to being an independent, third-party contractor, and not an employee, agent, joint venturer or partner of YOLOFarms for any reason, and you act exclusively on your own behalf and for your own benefit, and not on behalf, or for the benefit, of YOLOFarms. YOLOFarms does not, and shall not be deemed to, direct or control you generally or in your performance under these Terms specifically, including in connection with your provision of the Host Services. You acknowledge and agree that you have complete discretion whether to list Host Services or otherwise engage in other business or employment activities.

1.3 The YOLOFarms Platform may contain links to third-party websites or resources (“Third-Party Services”). Such Third-Party Services may be subject to different terms and conditions and privacy practices. YOLOFarms is not responsible or liable for the availability or accuracy of such Third-Party Services, or the content, products, or services available from such Third-Party Services. Links to such Third-Party Services are not an endorsement by YOLOFarms of such Third-Party Services.

1.4 Due to the nature of the Internet, YOLOFarms cannot guarantee the continuous and uninterrupted availability and accessibility of the YOLOFarms Platform. YOLOFarms may restrict the availability of the YOLOFarms Platform or certain areas or features thereof, if this is necessary in view of capacity limits, the security or integrity of our servers, or to carry out maintenance measures that ensure the proper or improved functioning of the YOLOFarms Platform. YOLOFarms may improve, enhance and modify the YOLOFarms Platform and introduce new YOLOFarms Services from time to time.

2. Eligibility, Using the YOLOFarms Platform, Member Verification

2.1 In order to access and use the YOLOFarms Platform or register a YOLOFarms Account you must be an individual at least 18 years old or a duly organized, validly existing business, organization or other legal entity in good standing under the laws of the country you are established and able to enter into legally binding contracts.

2.2 User verification on the Internet is difficult and we do not assume any responsibility for the confirmation of any Member’s identity. Notwithstanding the above, for transparency and fraud prevention purposes, and as permitted by applicable laws, we may, but have no obligation to (i) ask Members to provide a form of government identification or other information or undertake additional checks designed to help verify the identities or backgrounds of Members, (ii) screen Members against third party databases or other sources and request reports from service providers, and (iii) where we have sufficient information to identify a Member, obtain reports from public records of criminal convictions or sex offender registrations or an equivalent version of background or registered sex offender checks in your local jurisdiction (if available).

3. Modification of these Terms

YOLOFarms reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time in accordance with this provision. If we make changes to these Terms, we will post the revised Terms on the YOLOFarms Platform and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Terms. We will also provide you with notice of the modifications by email at least thirty (30) days before the date they become effective. If you disagree with the revised Terms, you may terminate this Agreement with immediate effect. We will inform you about your right to terminate the Agreement in the notification email. If you do not terminate your Agreement before the date the revised Terms become effective, your continued access to or use of the YOLOFarms Platform will constitute acceptance of the revised Terms.

4. Account Registration

4.1 You must register an account ("YOLOFarms Account") to access and use certain features of the YOLOFarms Platform, such as publishing or booking a Listing. If you are registering a YOLOFarms Account for a business, organization or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to legally bind that entity and grant us all permissions and licenses provided in these Terms.

4.2 You can register a YOLOFarms Account using an email address and creating a password, or through your account with certain third-party social networking services, such as Facebook or Google ("SNS Account"). You have the ability to disable the connection between your YOLOFarms Account and your SNS Account at any time, by accessing the "Settings" section of the YOLOFarms Platform.

4.3 You must provide accurate, current and complete information during the registration process and keep your YOLOFarms Account and public YOLOFarms Account profile page information up-to-date at all times.

4.4 You may not register more than one (1) YOLOFarms Account unless YOLOFarms authorizes you to do so. You may not assign or otherwise transfer your YOLOFarms Account to another party.

4.5 You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your YOLOFarms Account credentials and may not disclose your credentials to any third party. You must immediately notify YOLOFarms if you know or have any reason to suspect that your credentials have been lost, stolen, misappropriated, or otherwise compromised or in case of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of your YOLOFarms Account. You are liable for any and all activities conducted through your YOLOFarms Account unless such activities are not authorized by you and you are not otherwise negligent (such as failing to report the unauthorized use or loss of your credentials).

4.6 YOLOFarms may enable features that allow you to authorize other Members or certain third parties to take certain actions that affect your YOLOFarms Account. For example, we may enable Members to link their YOLOFarms Accounts to businesses and take actions for those businesses, we may enable eligible Members or certain third parties to book Listings on behalf of other Members, or we may enable Hosts to add other Members as Co-Hosts (as defined below) to help manage their Listings. These features do not require that you share your credentials with any other person. No third party is authorized by YOLOFarms to ask for your credentials, and you shall not request the credentials of another Member.

5. Content

5.1 YOLOFarms may, at its sole discretion, enable Members to (i) create, upload, post, send, receive and store content, such as text, photos, audio, video, or other materials and information on or through the YOLOFarms Platform ("Member Content"); and (ii) access and view Member Content and any content that YOLOFarms itself makes available on or through the YOLOFarms Platform, including proprietary YOLOFarms content and any content licensed or authorized for use by or through YOLOFarms from a third party ("YOLOFarms Content" and together with Member Content, "Collective Content”).

5.2 The YOLOFarms Platform, YOLOFarms Content, and Member Content may in its entirety or in part be protected by copyright, trademark, and/or other laws of the United States and other countries. You acknowledge and agree that the YOLOFarms Platform and YOLOFarms Content, including all associated intellectual property rights, are the exclusive property of YOLOFarms and/or its licensors or authorizing third parties. You will not remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the YOLOFarms Platform, YOLOFarms Content or Member Content. All trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names, and any other source identifiers of YOLOFarms used on or in connection with the YOLOFarms Platform and YOLOFarms Content are trademarks or registered trademarks of YOLOFarms in the United States and abroad. Trademarks, service marks, logos, trade names and any other proprietary designations of third parties used on or in connection with the YOLOFarms Platform, YOLOFarms Content, and/or Collective Content are used for identification purposes only and may be the property of their respective owners.

5.3 You will not use, copy, adapt, modify, prepare derivative works of, distribute, license, sell, transfer, publicly display, publicly perform, transmit, broadcast or otherwise exploit the YOLOFarms Platform or Collective Content, except to the extent you are the legal owner of certain Member Content or as expressly permitted in these Terms. No licenses or rights are granted to you by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property rights owned or controlled by YOLOFarms or its licensors, except for the licenses and rights expressly granted in these Terms.

5.4 Subject to your compliance with these Terms, YOLOFarms grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to (i) download and use the Application on your personal device(s); and (ii) access and view any Collective Content made available on or through the YOLOFarms Platform and accessible to you, solely for your personal and non-commercial use.

5.5 You will not post, upload, publish, submit or transmit any Member Content that: (i) is fraudulent, false, misleading (directly or by omission or failure to update information) or deceptive; (ii) is defamatory, libellous, obscene, pornographic, vulgar or offensive; (iii) promotes discrimination, bigotry, racism, hatred, harassment or harm against any individual or group; (iv) is violent or threatening or promotes violence or actions that are threatening to any other person or animal; (v) promotes illegal or harmful activities or substances; or (vi) violates YOLOFarms’s Content Policy or any other YOLOFarms policy. YOLOFarms may, without prior notice, remove or disable access to any Member Content that YOLOFarms finds to be in violation of applicable law, these Terms or YOLOFarms’s then-current Policies or Standards, or otherwise may be harmful or objectionable to YOLOFarms, its Members, third parties, or property.

6. Service Fees

6.1 YOLOFarms may charge fees to Hosts ("Host Fees") and/or Guests ("Guest Fees") (collectively, "Service Fees") in consideration for the use of the YOLOFarms Platform. More information about when Service Fees apply and how they are calculated can be found on our Service Fees page.

6.2 Any applicable Service Fees (including any applicable Taxes) will be displayed to a Host or Guest prior to publishing or booking a Listing. YOLOFarms reserves the right to change the Service Fees at any time and will provide Members adequate notice of any fee changes before they become effective. Such fee changes will not affect any bookings made prior to the effective date of the fee change.

6.3 You are responsible for paying any Service Fees that you owe to YOLOFarms. The applicable Service Fees (including any applicable Taxes) are collected by YOLOFarms Payments. YOLOFarms Payments will deduct any Host Fees from the Listing Fee before remitting the payout to the Host. Any Guest Fees are included in the Total Fees collected by YOLOFarms Payments. Except as otherwise provided on the YOLOFarms Platform, Service Fees are non-refundable.

7. Terms specific for Hosts

7.1 Terms applicable to all Listings

7.1.1 When creating a Listing through the YOLOFarms Platform you must (i) provide complete and accurate information about your Host Service (such as listing description, and location), (ii) disclose any deficiencies, restrictions (such as house rules) and requirements that apply (such as any minimum age, proficiency or fitness requirements for an Experience) and (iii) provide any other pertinent information requested by YOLOFarms. You are responsible for keeping your Listing information up-to-date at all times.

7.1.2 YOLOFarms are solely responsible for setting a price (including any Taxes if applicable, or charges such as cleaning fees) for your Listing (“Listing Fee”). Once a Guest requests a booking of your Listing, you may not request that the Guest pay a higher price than in the booking request.

7.1.3 Any terms and conditions included in your Listing, in particular in relation to cancellations, must not conflict with these Terms or the relevant cancellation policy for your Listing.

7.1.5 Pictures, animations or videos (collectively, "Images") used in your Listings must accurately reflect the quality and condition of your Host Services. YOLOFarms reserves the right to require that Listings have a minimum number of Images of a certain format, size and resolution.

7.1.6 The placement and ranking of Listings in search results on the YOLOFarms Platform may vary and depend on a variety of factors, such as Guest search parameters and preferences, Host requirements, price and calendar availability, number and quality of Images, customer service and cancellation history, Reviews and Ratings, type of Host Service, and/or ease of booking. More information about the factors that determine how your Listing appears in search results can be found at our help centre.

7.1.7 When you accept or have pre-approved a booking request by a Guest, you are entering into a legally binding agreement with the Guest and are required to provide your Host Service(s) to the Guest as described in your Listing when the booking request is made. You also agree to pay the applicable Host Fee and any applicable Taxes.

7.1.8 YOLOFarms recommends that Hosts obtain appropriate insurance for their Host Services. Please review any respective insurance policy carefully, and in particular make sure that you are familiar with and understand any exclusions to, and any deductibles that may apply for, such insurance policy, including, but not limited to, whether or not your insurance policy will cover the actions or inactions of Guests (and the individuals the Guest has booked for, if applicable) while staying at your Accommodation or participating in your Experience, Event or other Host Service.

7.2 Listing Accommodations

7.2.1 Unless expressly allowed by YOLOFarms, you may not list more than one Accommodation per Listing.

7.2.2 If you choose to require a security deposit for your Accommodation, you must specify this in your Listing ("Security Deposit"). Hosts are not allowed to ask for a Security Deposit (i) after a booking has been confirmed or (ii) outside of the YOLOFarms Platform. This deposit is refundable within 1 working day.

7.2.3 You represent and warrant that any Listing you post and the booking of, or a Guest's stay at, an Accommodation will (i) not breach any agreements you have entered into with any third parties, such as homeowners association, condominium, or other agreements, and (ii) comply with all applicable laws (such as zoning laws), Tax requirements, and other rules and regulations (including having all required permits, licenses and registrations). As a Host, you are responsible for your own acts and omissions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of any individuals who reside at or are otherwise present at the Accommodation at your request or invitation, excluding the Guest and any individuals the Guest invites to the Accommodation.

8. Terms specific for Guests

8.1 Terms applicable to all bookings

8.1.1 Subject to meeting any requirements (such as completing any verification processes) set by YOLOFarms and/or the Host, you can book a Listing available on the YOLOFarms Platform by following the respective booking process. All applicable fees, including the Listing Fee, Security Deposit (if applicable), Guest Fee and any applicable Taxes (collectively, “Total Fees”) will be presented to you prior to booking a Listing. You agree to pay the Total Fees for any booking requested in connection with your YOLOFarms Account.

8.1.2 Upon receipt of a booking confirmation from YOLOFarms, a legally binding agreement is formed between you and your Host, subject to any additional terms and conditions of the Host that apply, including in particular the applicable cancellation policy and any rules and restrictions specified in the Listing. YOLOFarms Payments will collect the Total Fees at the time of the booking request or upon the Host’s confirmation pursuant to the Payments Terms. For certain bookings, Guests may be required to pay or have the option to pay in multiple instalments.

8.1.3 If you book a Host Service on behalf of additional guests, you are required to ensure that every additional guest meets any requirements set by the Host, and is made aware of and agrees to these Terms and any terms and conditions, rules and restrictions set by the Host. If you are looking for an additional guest who is a minor, you represent and warrant that you are legally authorized to act on behalf of the minor. Minors may only participate in an Experience, Event or other Host Service if accompanied by an adult who is responsible for them.

8.1.4 YOLOFarms may enable a Guest who is booking a Listing on behalf of one or more additional guests (the “Organizer”) to split the payment of the Total Fees for an eligible booking on a pro-rata basis between the Organizer and at least one other additional guest (each a “Co-Payer”) (the “Group Payment Service”). In order to participate in the Group Payment Service, each Co-Payer must have or register a YOLOFarms Account prior to making a payment. All payments via the Group Payment Service are handled by YOLOFarms Payments and are subject to the Group Payment Terms of Service.

8.2 Booking Accommodations

8.2.1 You understand that a confirmed booking of an Accommodation (“Accommodation Booking”) is a limited license granted to you by the Host to enter, occupy and use the Accommodation for the duration of your stay, during which time the Host (only where and to the extent permitted by applicable law) retains the right to re-enter the Accommodation, in accordance with your agreement with the Host.

8.2.2 You agree to leave the Accommodation no later than the checkout time that the Host specifies in the Listing or such other time as mutually agreed upon between you and the Host. If you stay past the agreed-upon checkout time without the Host's consent (“Overstay”), you no longer have a license to stay in the Accommodation and the Host is entitled to make you leave in a manner consistent with applicable law. In addition, you agree to pay, if requested by the Host, for each twenty-four (24) hour period (or any portion thereof) that you Overstay, an additional nightly fee of up to two (2) times the average nightly Listing Fee originally paid by you to cover the inconvenience suffered by the Host, plus all applicable Guest Fees, Taxes, and any legal expenses incurred by the Host to make you leave (collectively, "Overstay Fees"). Overstay Fees for late checkouts on the checkout date that do not impact upcoming bookings may be limited to the additional costs incurred by the Host as a result of such Overstay. If you Overstay at an Accommodation, you authorize YOLOFarms (via YOLOFarms Payments) to charge you to collect Overstay Fees. A Security Deposit, if required by a Host, may be applied to any Overstay Fees due for a Guest’s Overstay.

8.3 Booking Experiences, Events and Other Host Services

8.3.1 You should carefully review the description of any Experience, Event or other Host Service you intend to book to ensure you (and any additional guests you are booking for) meet any minimum age, proficiency, fitness or other requirements which the Host has specified in their Listing. At your sole discretion, you may want to inform the Host of any medical or physical conditions, or other circumstances that may impact your and any additional guest’s ability to participate in any Experience, Event or other Host Service. In addition, certain laws, like the minimum legal drinking age in the location of the Experience, Event or other Host Service, may also apply. You are responsible for identifying, understanding, and complying with all laws, rules and regulations that apply to your participation in an Experience, Event or other Host Service.

8.3.2 Before and during an Experience, Event or other Host Service you must at all times adhere to the Hosts’ instructions.

8.3.3 You may not bring any additional individuals to an Experience, Event or other Host Service unless such an individual was added by you as an additional guest during the booking process on the YOLOFarms Platform.

9. Ratings and Reviews

9.1 Within a certain timeframe after completing a booking, Guests and Hosts can leave a public review (“Review”) and submit a star rating (“Rating”) about each other. Ratings or Reviews reflect the opinions of individual Members and do not reflect the opinion of YOLOFarms. Ratings and Reviews are not verified by YOLOFarms for accuracy and may be incorrect or misleading.

9.2 Ratings and Reviews by Guests and Hosts must be accurate and may not contain any offensive or defamatory language. Ratings and Reviews are subject to Section 5 and must comply with YOLOFarms’s Content Policy and Extortion Policy.

9.3 Members are prohibited from manipulating the Ratings and Reviews system in any manner, such as instructing a third party to write a positive or negative Review about another Member.

9.4 Ratings and Reviews are part of a Member’s public profile and may also surface elsewhere on the YOLOFarms Platform (such as the Listing page) together with other relevant information such as number of bookings, number of cancellations, average response time and other information.

10. Damage to Accommodations, Disputes between Members

10.1 As a Guest, you are responsible for leaving the Accommodation (including any personal or other property located at the Accommodation) in the condition it was in when you arrived. You are responsible for your own acts and omissions and are also responsible for the acts and omissions of any individuals whom you invite to, or otherwise provide access to, the Accommodation, excluding the Host (and the individuals the Host invites to the Accommodation, if applicable).

10.2 If a Host claims and provides evidence that you as a Guest have damaged an Accommodation or any personal or other property at an Accommodation ("Damage Claim"), the Host can seek payment from you through the Resolution Center. If a Host escalates a Damage Claim to YOLOFarms, you will be given an opportunity to respond. If you agree to pay the Host, or YOLOFarms determines in its sole discretion that you are responsible for the Damage Claim, YOLOFarms via YOLOFarms Payments will, after the end of your stay, collect any such sums from you and/or against the Security Deposit (if applicable) required to cover the Damage Claim pursuant to the Payments Terms. YOLOFarms also reserves the right to otherwise collect payment from you and pursue any remedies available to YOLOFarms in this regard in situations in which you are responsible for a Damage Claim, including, but not limited to, in relation to any payment requests made by Hosts under the YOLOFarms Host Guarantee or Insurance.

11. Taxes

11.1 As a Host you are solely responsible for determining your obligations to report, collect, remit or include in your Listing Fees any applicable VAT or other indirect sales taxes, occupancy tax, tourist or other visitor taxes or income taxes (“Taxes").

11.2 Tax regulations may require us to collect appropriate Tax information from Hosts, or withhold Taxes from payouts to Hosts, or both. If a Host fails to provide us with the required documentation under applicable law (e.g., a tax number) that we determine to be sufficient to alleviate our obligation (if any) to withhold Taxes from payouts to you, we reserve the right to withhold payouts up to the tax-relevant amount as required by law, until resolution.

11.3 You understand that any appropriate governmental agency, department and/or authority ("Tax Authority") where your Accommodation is located may require Taxes to be collected from Guests or Hosts on Listing Fees, and to be remitted to the respective Tax Authority. The laws in jurisdictions may vary, but these Taxes may be required to be collected and remitted as a percentage of the Listing Fees set by Hosts, a set amount per day, or other variations, and are sometimes called "transient occupancy taxes," "hotel taxes," "lodging taxes," "city taxes," "room taxes" or "tourist taxes" ("Occupancy Taxes”).

11.4 In certain jurisdictions, YOLOFarms may decide in its sole discretion to facilitate collection and remittance of Occupancy Taxes from or on behalf of Guests or Hosts, in accordance with these Terms ("Collection and Remittance") if such jurisdiction asserts YOLOFarms or Hosts have an Occupancy Tax collection and remittance obligation. In any jurisdiction in which we decide to facilitate direct Collection and Remittance, you hereby instruct and authorize YOLOFarms (via YOLOFarms Payments) to collect Occupancy Taxes from Guests on the Host's behalf at the time Listing Fees are collected, and to remit such Occupancy Taxes to the Tax Authority. In other jurisdictions, YOLOFarms may decide in its sole discretion to collect Occupancy Taxes and remit such Taxes to eligible and qualifying Hosts, based on tax information supplied by the Host, for ultimate reporting and remittance by such Host to the Tax Authority (“Pass-Through Tax Feature”). Such Hosts using the Pass-Through Tax Feature will be solely responsible for informing YOLOFarms about the correct Occupancy Tax amount to be collected from the Guest in accordance with applicable law and directly remitting the Occupancy Taxes to the relevant Tax Authority. YOLOFarms does not assume any liability for the failure of a participating Host to comply with any applicable tax reporting or remittance obligations. The amount of Occupancy Taxes, if any, collected and remitted by YOLOFarms will be visible to and separately stated to both Guests and Hosts on their respective transaction documents. Where YOLOFarms is facilitating Collection and Remittance, Hosts are not permitted to collect any Occupancy Taxes being collected by YOLOFarms relating to their Accommodations in that jurisdiction.

11.5 You agree that any claim or cause of action relating to YOLOFarms's facilitation of Collection and Remittance of Occupancy Taxes shall not extend to any supplier or vendor that may be used by YOLOFarms in connection with the facilitation of Collection and Remittance, if any. Guests and Hosts agree that we may seek additional amounts from you in the event that the Taxes collected and/or remitted are insufficient to fully discharge your obligations to the Tax Authority, and agree that your sole remedy for Occupancy Taxes collected is a refund of Occupancy Taxes collected by YOLOFarms from the applicable Tax Authority in accordance with applicable procedures set by that Tax Authority.

11.6 YOLOFarms reserves the right, with prior notice to Hosts, to cease the Collection and Remittance in any jurisdiction for any reason at which point Hosts and Guests are once again solely responsible and liable for the collection and/or remittance of any and all Occupancy Taxes that may apply to Accommodations in that jurisdiction.

12. Prohibited Activities

12.1 You are solely responsible for compliance with any and all laws, rules, regulations, and Tax obligations that may apply to your use of the YOLOFarms Platform. In connection with your use of the YOLOFarms Platform, you will not and will not assist or enable others to:

  • Breach or circumvent any applicable laws or regulations, agreements with third parties, third-party rights, or our Terms, Policies or Standards;
  • Use the YOLOFarms Platform or Collective Content for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by these Terms or in a manner that falsely implies YOLOFarms endorsement, partnership or otherwise misleads others as to your affiliation with YOLOFarms;
  • Copy, store or otherwise access or use any information, including personally identifiable information about any other Member, contained on the YOLOFarms Platform in any way that is inconsistent with YOLOFarms’s Privacy Policy or these Terms or that otherwise violates the privacy rights of Members or third parties;
  • Use the YOLOFarms Platform in connection with the distribution of unsolicited commercial messages ("spam");
  • Offer, as a Host, any Accommodation that you do not yourself own or have permission to make available as a residential or other property through the YOLOFarms Platform;
  • Unless YOLOFarms explicitly permits otherwise, book any Listing if you will not actually be using the Host Services yourself;
  • Contact another Member for any purpose other than asking a question related to your own booking, Listing, or the Member's use of the YOLOFarms Platform, including, but not limited to, recruiting or otherwise soliciting any Member to join third-party services, applications or websites, without our prior written approval;
  • Use the YOLOFarms Platform to request, make or accept a booking independent of the YOLOFarms Platform, to circumvent any Service Fees or for any other reason;
  • Request, accept or make any payment for Listing Fees outside of the YOLOFarms Platform or YOLOFarms Payments. If you do so, you acknowledge and agree that you: (i) would be in breach of these Terms; (ii) accept all risks and responsibility for such payment, and (iii) hold YOLOFarms harmless from any liability for such payment;
  • Discriminate against or harass anyone on the basis of race, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age or sexual orientation, or otherwise engage in any violent, harmful, abusive or disruptive behaviour;
  • Misuse or abuse of any Listings or services associated with the YOLOFarms Open Homes program as determined by YOLOFarms in its sole discretion.
  • Use, display, mirror or frame the YOLOFarms Platform or Collective Content, or any individual element within the YOLOFarms Platform, YOLOFarms's name, any YOLOFarms trademark, logo or other proprietary information, or the layout and design of any page or form contained on a page in the YOLOFarms Platform, without YOLOFarms's express written consent;
  • Dilute, tarnish or otherwise harm the YOLOFarms brand in any way, including through unauthorized use of Collective Content, registering and/or using YOLOFarms or derivative terms in domain names, trade names, trademarks or other source identifiers, or registering and/or using domains names, trade names, trademarks or other source identifiers that closely imitate or are confusingly similar to YOLOFarms domains, trademarks, taglines, promotional campaigns or Collective Content;
  • Use any robots, spiders, crawlers, scrapers or other automated means or processes to access, collect data or other content from or otherwise interact with the YOLOFarms Platform for any purpose;
  • Avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair, descramble, or otherwise attempt to circumvent any technological measure implemented by YOLOFarms or any of YOLOFarms's providers or any other third party to protect the YOLOFarms Platform;
  • Attempt to decipher, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any of the software used to provide the YOLOFarms Platform;
  • Take any action that damages or adversely affects, or could damage or adversely affect the performance or proper functioning of the YOLOFarms Platform;
  • Export, re-export, import, or transfer the Application except as authorized by United States law, the export control laws of your jurisdiction, and any other applicable laws; or
  • Violate or infringe anyone else’s rights or otherwise cause harm to anyone.

12.2 If you feel that any Member you interact with, whether online or in person, is acting or has acted inappropriately, including but not limited to anyone who (i) engages in offensive, violent or sexually inappropriate behaviour, (ii) you suspect of stealing from you, or (iii) engages in any other disturbing conduct, you should immediately report such person to the appropriate authorities and then to YOLOFarms by contacting us with your police station and report number (if available). You agree that any report you make will not obligate us to take any action (beyond that required by law, if any).

13. Disclaimers

If you choose to use the YOLOFarms Platform or Collective Content, you do so voluntarily and at your sole risk. The YOLOFarms Platform and Collective Content are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied.

You agree that you have had whatever opportunity you deem necessary to investigate the YOLOFarms Services, laws, rules, or regulations that may be applicable to your Listings and/or Host Services you are receiving and that you are not relying upon any statement of law or fact made by YOLOFarms relating to a Listing.

If we choose to conduct identity verification or background checks on any Member, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim warranties of any kind, either express or implied, that such checks will identify prior misconduct by a Member or guarantee that a Member will not engage in misconduct in the future.

You agree that some Experiences, Events, other Host Services, or the Group Payment Service may carry inherent risk, and by participating in such services, you choose to assume those risks voluntarily. For example, some Host Services may carry risk of illness, bodily injury, disability, or death, and you freely and willfully assume those risks by choosing to participate in those Host Services. You assume full responsibility for the choices you make before, during and after your participation in a Host Service or the Group Payment Service. If you are bringing a minor as an additional guest, you are solely responsible for the supervision of that minor throughout the duration of your Host Service and to the maximum extent permitted by law, you agree to release and hold harmless YOLOFarms from all liabilities and claims that arise in any way from any injury, death, loss or harm that occurs to that minor during the Host Service or in any way related to your Host Service.

The foregoing disclaimers apply to the maximum extent permitted by law. You may have other statutory rights. However, the duration of statutorily required warranties, if any, shall be limited to the maximum extent permitted by law.

14. Liability

You acknowledge and agree that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, the entire risk arising out of your access to and use of the YOLOFarms Platform and Collective Content, your publishing or booking of any Listing via the YOLOFarms Platform, your stay at any Accommodation, participation in any Experience or Event or use of any other Host Service, participation in the Group Payment Service, or any other interaction you have with other Members whether in person or online remains with you. Neither YOLOFarms nor any other party involved in creating, producing, or delivering the YOLOFarms Platform or Collective Content will be liable for any incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages, including lost profits, loss of data or loss of goodwill, service interruption, computer damage or system failure or the cost of substitute products or services, or for any damages for personal or bodily injury or emotional distress arising out of or in connection with (i) these Terms, (ii) from the use of or inability to use the YOLOFarms Platform or Collective Content, (iii) from any communications, interactions or meetings with other Members or other persons with whom you communicate, interact or meet with as a result of your use of the YOLOFarms Platform, or (iv) from your publishing or booking of a Listing, including the provision or use of a Listing’s Host Services, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), product liability or any other legal theory, and whether or not YOLOFarms has been informed of the possibility of such damage, even if a limited remedy set forth herein is found to have failed of its essential purpose. Except for our obligations to pay amounts to applicable Hosts pursuant to these Terms or an approved payment request under the YOLOFarms Host Guarantee or Japan Host Insurance, in no event will YOLOFarms’s aggregate liability arising out of or in connection with these Terms and your use of the YOLOFarms Platform including, but not limited to, from your publishing or booking of any Listings via the YOLOFarms Platform, or from the use of or inability to use the YOLOFarms Platform or Collective Content and in connection with any Accommodation, Experiences, Event,other Host Service, the Group Payment Service, or interactions with any other Members, exceed the amounts you have paid or owe for bookings via the YOLOFarms Platform as a Guest in the twelve (12) month period prior to the event giving rise to the liability, or if you are a Host, the amounts paid by YOLOFarms to you in the twelve (12) month period prior to the event giving rise to the liability, or one hundred U.S. dollars (US$100), if no such payments have been made, as applicable. The limitations of damages set forth above are fundamental elements of the basis of the bargain between YOLOFarms and you. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. If you reside outside of the U.S., this does not affect YOLOFarms’s liability for death or personal injury arising from its negligence, nor for fraudulent misrepresentation, misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter or any other liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law. Any mishappening or event which causes but is not limited to death, injuries, etc will not be the liability of YOLOFarms (YOLODESTIN NETWORKING PVT LTD Company) at any cost.

15. Indemnification

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, you agree to release, defend (at YOLOFarms’s option), indemnify, and hold YOLOFarms and its affiliates and subsidiaries, including but not limited to, YOLOFarms Payments, and their officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable legal and accounting fees, arising out of or in any way connected with (i) your breach of these Terms or our Policies or Standards, (ii) your improper use of the YOLOFarms Platform or any YOLOFarms Services, (iii) your interaction with any Member, stay at an Accommodation, participation in an Experience, Event or other Host Service, participation in the Group Payment Service, including without limitation any injuries, losses or damages (whether compensatory, direct, incidental, consequential or otherwise) of any kind arising in connection with or as a result of such interaction, stay, participation or use, (iv) YOLOFarms’s Collection and Remittance of Occupancy Taxes, or (v) your breach of any laws, regulations or third party rights.

Privacy Policy




Thank you for using YOLOFarms! Your trust is important to us and we’re committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. The information that’s shared with us helps us to provide a great experience with YOLOFarms. We have a dedicated privacy team that’s committed to protecting all the personal information we collect and helping ensure that personal information is handled properly worldwide.

This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, process, and disclose your personal information, in conjunction with your access to and use of the YOLOFarms Platform and the Payment Services. This privacy policy describes our privacy practices for all websites, platforms and services that link to it. Please read the privacy policy on the applicable site.

1.1 Definitions

If you see an undefined term in this Privacy Policy (such as “Listing” or “YOLOFarms Platform”), it has the same definition as in our Terms of Service (“Terms”).

1.2 Data Controller

When this policy mentions “YOLOFarms,” “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to the YOLOFarms company that is responsible for your information under this Privacy Policy (the “Data Controller”).

  • If your country of residence is the United States, the Data Controller is YOLOFarms, Inc.
  • If your country of residence is outside of the United States, the People’s Republic of China which for purposes of this Privacy Policy does not include Hong Kong, Macau Taiwan (“China”) and Japan, the Data Controller is YOLOFarms Ireland UC (“YOLOFarms Ireland”).
  • If your country of residence is in China, and you (a) book a Host Service located outside of China or (b) create a Listing located outside of China, the Data Controller is YOLOFarms Ireland for that transaction and this Privacy Policy will apply.
  • If your country of residence is Japan, the Data Controller is YOLOFarms Global Services Limited (“YOLOFarms GSL”), except where you book a Host Service located outside of Japan or create a Listing located outside of Japan, in which case the Data Controller is YOLOFarms Ireland for that transaction. Additionally, if you reside in Japan, YOLOFarms Ireland will be the Data Controller for all bookings confirmed prior to June 13, 2018, at 3PM UTC.

1.3 Applicability to Payments

This Privacy Policy also applies to the Payment Services provided to you by YOLOFarms Payments pursuant to the Payments Terms of Service (“Payments Terms”). When using the Payment Services, you will be also providing your information, including personal information, to one or more YOLOFarms Payments entities, which will also be the Data Controller (the "Payments Data Controller") of your information related to the Payment Services, generally depending on your country of residence.

  • If your country of residence is the United States, the Payments Data Controller is YOLOFarms Payments, Inc. (a subsidiary of YOLOFarms, Inc.).
  • If your country of residence is China, and you (a) book a Host Service located outside of China, or (b) create a Listing located outside of China, or (c) book a Host Service in China with a Host who is not a resident of China, the Payments Data Controller is YOLOFarms Payments UK Ltd. (“YOLOFarms Payments UK”) for that transaction and this Privacy Policy will apply.
  • If your country of residence is India, the Payments Data Controller is YOLOFarms Payments India, except in the following circumstances: - if you book a Host Service located outside of India; - if you create a Listing outside of India, in which case, the Payments Data Controller is YOLOFarms Payments UK. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this clause, if you create a Listing in India, and: - accept a booking from a Guest who is a resident of India, regardless of your country of residence, the Payments Data Controller is YOLOFarms Payments India; or - accept a booking from a Guest who is not a resident of India, regardless of your country of residence, the Payments Data Controller is YOLOFarms Payments UK.
  • If your country of residence is Australia, the Payments Data Controller is YOLOFarms Payments UK, except if you book a Host Service located in or outside of Australia, which is confirmed after January 9, 2019, at 1:00 AM UTC, in which case, the Payments Data Controller is YOLOFarms Payments Australia Pty. Ltd. (“YOLOFarms Payments Australia”) for that transaction.
  • If your country of residence is in the European Union, the Payment Data Controller is YOLOFarms Payments UK. On or after March 25, 2019, any change of the Payment Data Controller to YOLOFarms Payments Luxembourg S.A., if any, will be notified to you at the time of checkout or by other appropriate means.
  • If your country of residence is outside of the United States, China, India and Australia, the Payments Data Controller is YOLOFarms Payments UK.

If you change your country of residence, the Data Controller and/or Payments Data Controller will be determined by your new country of residence as specified above, from the date on which your country of residence changes. To this end, the Data Controller and/or Payment Data Controller that originally collected your personal information will need to transfer such personal information to the new applicable Data Controller and/or Payments Data Controller due to the fact that such transfer is necessary for the performance of the contractual relationship with you.

Please see the Contact Us section below for contact details of the Data Controllers and Payments Data Controllers.


There are three general categories of information we collect.

2.1 Information You Give to Us.

2.1.1 Information that is necessary for the use of the YOLOFarms Platform.

We ask for and collect the following personal information about you when you use the YOLOFarms Platform. This information is necessary for the adequate performance of the contract between you and us and to allow us to comply with our legal obligations. Without it, we may not be able to provide you with all the requested services.

  • Account Information. When you sign up for a YOLOFarms Account, we require certain information such as your first name, last name, email address, and date of birth.
  • Profile and Listing Information. To use certain features of the YOLOFarms Platform (such as booking or creating a Listing), we may ask you to provide additional information, which may include your address, phone number, and a profile picture.
  • Identity Verification Information. To help create and maintain a trusted environment, we may collect identity verification information (such as images of your government issued ID, passport, national ID card, or driving license, as permitted by applicable laws) or other authentication information. To learn more, see our Help Center article about providing identification on YOLOFarms.
  • Payment Information. To use certain features of the YOLOFarms Platform (such as booking or creating a Listing), we may require you to provide certain financial information (like your bank account or credit card information) in order to facilitate the processing of payments (via YOLOFarms Payments).
  • Communications with YOLOFarms and other Members. When you communicate with YOLOFarms or use the YOLOFarms Platform to communicate with other Members, we collect information about your communication and any information you choose to provide.

2.1.2 Information you choose to give us.

You may choose to provide us with additional personal information in order to obtain a better user experience when using YOLOFarms Platform. This additional information will be processed based on our legitimate interest or when applicable, your consent.

  • Additional Profile Information. You may choose to provide additional information as part of your YOLOFarms profile (such as gender, preferred language(s), city, and a personal description). Some of this information as indicated in your Account settings is part of your public profile page, and will be publicly visible to others.
  • Address Book Contact Information. You may choose to import your address book contacts or enter your contacts’ information manually to access certain features of the YOLOFarms Platform, like inviting them to use YOLOFarms.
  • Other Information. You may otherwise choose to provide us information when you fill in a form, update or add information to your YOLOFarms Account, respond to surveys, post to community forums, participate in promotions, communicate with our customer care team, share your experience with us (such as through Host Stories), or use other features of the YOLOFarms Platform.

2.1.3 Information that is necessary for the use of the Payment Services.

The Payments Data Controller needs to collect the following information necessary for the adequate performance of the contract with you and to comply with applicable law (such as anti-money laundering regulations). Without it, you will not be able to use Payment Services:

  • Payment Information. When you use the Payment Services, the Payments Data Controller requires certain financial information (like your bank account or credit card information) in order to process payments and comply with applicable law.
  • Identity Verification and Other Information. If you are a Host, the Payments Data Controller may require identity verification information (such as images of your government issued ID, passport, national ID card, or driving license) or other authentication information, your date of birth, your address, email address, phone number and other information in order to verify your identity, provide the Payment Services to you, and to comply with applicable law.

2.1.4 Information We Automatically Collect from Your Use of the YOLOFarms Platform and Payment Services.

When you use the YOLOFarms Platform and the Payment Services, we automatically collect personal information about the services you use and how you use them. This information is necessary for the adequate performance of the contract between you and us, to enable us to comply with legal obligations and given our legitimate interest in being able to provide and improve the functionalities of the YOLOFarms Platform and Payment Services.

  • Geo-location Information. When you use certain features of the YOLOFarms Platform, we may collect information about your precise or approximate location as determined through data such as your IP address or mobile device’s GPS to offer you an improved user experience. Most mobile devices allow you to control or disable the use of location services for applications in the device’s settings menu. YOLOFarms may also collect this information even when you are not using the app if this connection is enabled through your settings or device permissions.
  • Usage Information. We collect information about your interactions with the YOLOFarms Platform such as the pages or content you view, your searches for Listings, bookings you have made, and other actions on the YOLOFarms Platform.
  • Log Data and Device Information. We automatically collect log data and device information when you access and use the YOLOFarms Platform, even if you have not created an YOLOFarms Account or logged in. That information includes, among other things: details about how you’ve used the YOLOFarms Platform (including if you clicked on links to third party applications), IP address, access dates and times, hardware and software information, device information, device event information, unique identifiers, crash data, cookie data, and the pages you’ve viewed or engaged with before or after using the YOLOFarms Platform.
  • Cookies and Similar Technologies. We use cookies and other similar technologies when you use our platform, use our mobile app, or engage with our online ads or email communications. We may collect certain information by automated means using technologies such as cookies, web beacons, pixels, browser analysis tools, server logs, and mobile identifiers. In many cases the information we collect using cookies and other tools is only used in a non-identifiable without reference to personal information. For example, we may use information we collect to better understand website traffic patterns and to optimize our website experience. In some cases we associate the information we collect using cookies and other technology with your personal information. Our business partners may also use these tracking technologies on the YOLOFarms Platform or engage others to track your behavior on our behalf.
  • Pixels and SDKs. Third parties, including Facebook, may use cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from our websites and elsewhere on the internet and use that information to provide measurement services and target ads. For apps, that third parties, including Facebook, may collect or receive information from your app and other apps and use that information to provide measurement services and targeted ads. Users can opt-out of the collection and use of information for ad targeting by updating their Facebook account ad settings and by contacting with a description of your request and validation information. Users can access a mechanism for exercising such choice by going to and For more information on our use of these technologies, see our Cookie Policy.
  • Do Not Track Signals. While you may disable the usage of cookies through your browser settings, the YOLOFarms Platform currently does not respond to a “Do Not Track” signal in the HTTP header from your browser or mobile application due to lack of standardization regarding how that signal should be interpreted.
  • Payment Transaction Information. YOLOFarms Payments collects information related to your payment transactions through the YOLOFarms Platform, including the payment instrument used, date and time, payment amount, payment instrument expiration date and billing postcode, PayPal email address, IBAN information, your address and other related transaction details. This information is necessary for the adequate performance of the contract between you and YOLOFarms Payments and to allow the provision of the Payment Services.

2.1.5 Information We Collect from Third Parties.

YOLOFarms and YOLOFarms Payments may collect information, including personal information, that others provide about you when they use the YOLOFarms Platform and the Payment Services, or obtain information from other sources and combine that with information we collect through the YOLOFarms Platform and the Payment Services. We do not control, supervise or respond for how the third parties providing your information process your Personal Information, and any information request regarding the disclosure of your personal information to us should be directed to such third parties.

  • Third Party Services. If you link, connect, or login to your YOLOFarms Account with a third party service (e.g. Google, Facebook, WeChat), the third party service may send us information such as your registration, friends list, and profile information from that service. This information varies and is controlled by that service or as authorized by you via your privacy settings at that service.
  • Your References. If someone has written a reference for you, it will be published on your YOLOFarms public profile page with your consent. To learn more, see our Help Center article about References.
  • Background Information. For Members in the United States, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, YOLOFarms and YOLOFarms Payments may obtain reports from public records of criminal convictions or sex offender registrations. For Members outside of the United States, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and with your consent where required, YOLOFarms and YOLOFarms Payments may obtain the local version of police, background or registered sex offender checks. We may use your information, including your full name and date of birth, to obtain such reports.
  • Enterprise Product Invitations and Account Management. Organizations that use our Enterprise products (such a YOLOFarms for work and programs with property managers and owners) may submit personal information to facilitate account management and invitations to use enterprise products.
  • Referrals. If you are invited to YOLOFarms, the person who invited you may submit personal information about you such as your email address or other contact information.
  • Other Sources. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may receive additional information about you, such as demographic data or information to help detect fraud and safety issues, from third party service providers and/or partners, and combine it with information we have about you. For example, we may receive background check results (with your consent where required) or fraud warnings from service providers like identity verification services for our fraud prevention and risk assessment efforts. We may receive information about you and your activities on and off the YOLOFarms Platform through partnerships, or about your experiences and interactions from our partner ad networks.

2.2 Children’s Data.

Our websites and applications are not directed to children under 16 and we do not knowingly collect any personal information directly from children under 16. If you believe that we processing the personal information pertaining to a child inappropriately, we take this very seriously and urge you to contact us using the information provided under the “Contact Us” section below.


We may use, store, and process personal information to (1) provide, understand, improve, and develop the YOLOFarms Platform, (2) create and maintain a trusted and safer environment (such as to comply with our legal obligations and ensure compliance with YOLOFarms Policies) and (3) provide, personalize, measure, and improve our advertising and marketing.

3.1 Provide, Improve, and Develop the YOLOFarms Platform. We may use the personal information to provide, improve, and develop the YOLOFarms Platform such as to:

  • enable you to access and use the YOLOFarms Platform,
  • enable you to communicate with other Members,
  • operate, protect, improve, and optimize the YOLOFarms Platform and experience, such as by performing analytics and conducting research,
  • provide customer service,
  • send you service or support messages, updates, security alerts, and account notifications,
  • if you provide us with your contacts’ information, we may process this information: (i) to facilitate your referral invitations, (ii) send your requests for references, (iii) for fraud detection and prevention, and (iv) for any purpose you authorize at the time of collection,
  • to operate, protect, improve, and optimize the YOLOFarms Platform and experience, and personalize and customize your experience (such as making Listing suggestions, ranking search results), and facilitate claims with our Host Guarantee, Host Protection Insurance, Experience Protection Insurance or other similar host protection programs, we conduct profiling based on your interactions with the YOLOFarms Platform, your search and booking history, your profile information and preferences, and other content you submit to the YOLOFarms Platform, and
  • enable your use of our enterprise products.

We process this personal information for these purposes given our legitimate interest in improving the YOLOFarms Platform and our Members’ experience with it, and where it is necessary for the adequate performance of the contract with you.

3.2 Create and Maintain a Trusted and Safer Environment. We may use the personal information to create and maintain a trusted and safer environment such as to:

  • detect and prevent fraud, spam, abuse, security incidents, and other harmful activity,
  • conduct security investigations and risk assessments,
  • verify or authenticate information or identifications provided by you (such as to verify your Accommodation address or compare your identification photo to another photo you provide),
  • conduct checks against databases and other information sources, including background or police checks, to the extent permitted by applicable laws and with your consent where required,
  • comply with our legal obligations,
  • Resolve any disputes with any of our Members and enforce our agreements with third parties,
  • enforce our Terms of Service and other policies, and
  • in connection with the activities above, we may conduct profiling based on your interactions with the YOLOFarms Platform, your profile information and other content you submit to the YOLOFarms Platform, and information obtained from third parties. In limited cases, automated processes may restrict or suspend access to the YOLOFarms Platform if such processes detect activity that we think poses a safety or other risk to the YOLOFarms Platform, our community, or third parties. If you challenge the decisioning based on the automated process, please contact us as provided in the Contact Us section below.

We process this personal information for these purposes given our legitimate interest in protecting the YOLOFarms Platform, to measure the adequate performance of our contract with you, and to comply with applicable laws.

3.3 Provide, Personalize, Measure, and Improve our Advertising and Marketing. We may use the personal information to provide, personalize, measure, and improve our advertising and marketing such as to:

  • send you promotional messages, marketing, advertising, and other information that may be of interest to you based on your preferences (including information about YOLOFarms or partner campaigns and services) and social media advertising through social media platforms such as Facebook or Google),
  • personalize, measure, and improve our advertising,
  • Administer referral programs, rewards, surveys, sweepstakes, contests, or other promotional activities or events sponsored or managed by YOLOFarms or its third party partners,
  • conduct profiling on your characteristics and preferences (based on the information you provide to us, your interactions with the YOLOFarms Platform, information obtained from third parties, and your search and booking history) to send you promotional messages, marketing, advertising and other information that we think may be of interest to you,
  • enrolling in an email subscription will not affect the frequency of administrative emails that we may send in connection with any YOLOFarms Account. No fee is charged for sending promotional emails to you, but third-party data rates may apply. Note that you may not be able to take advantage of certain promotions if you do not have an YOLOFarms Account, and
  • invite you to events and relevant opportunities (for example, when you share your Host story, we may use the information provided to reach out to you to invite you to relevant events).

We will process your personal information for the purposes listed in this section given our legitimate interest in undertaking marketing activities to offer you products or services that may be of your interest.

3.4 How the Payments Data Controller uses the Personal Information Collected. We may use the personal information as a part of Payment services such as to:

  • Enable you to access and use the Payment Services.
  • Detect and prevent fraud, abuse, security incidents, and other harmful activity.
  • Conduct security investigations and risk assessments.
  • Conduct checks against databases and other information sources.
  • Comply with legal obligations (such as anti-money laundering regulations).
  • Enforce the Payment Terms and other payment policies.
  • With your consent, send you promotional messages, marketing, advertising, and other information that may be of interest to you based on your preferences.

The Payments Data Controller processes this personal information given its legitimate interest in improving the Payment Services and its users’ experience with it, and where it is necessary for the adequate performance of the contract with you and to comply with applicable laws.


4.1 Advertising and Social Media; Sharing With Your Consent.

Where you have provided consent, we share your information, including personal information, as described at the time of consent, such as when you authorize a third party application or website to access your YOLOFarms Account or when you participate in promotional activities conducted by YOLOFarms partners or third parties.

Where permissible according to applicable law we may use certain limited personal information about you, such as your email address, to hash it and to share it with social media platforms, such as Facebook or Google, to generate leads, drive traffic to our websites or otherwise promote our products and services or the YOLOFarms Platform. These processing activities are based on our legitimate interest in undertaking marketing activities to offer you products or services that may be if your interest.

The social media platforms with which we may share your personal information are not controlled or supervised by YOLOFarms. Therefore, any questions regarding how your social media platform service provider processes your personal information should be directed to such provider.

Please note that you may, at any time ask YOLOFarms to cease processing your data for these direct marketing purposes by sending an e-mail to

4.2 Profiles, Listings, and other Public Information.

The YOLOFarms Platform lets you publish information, including personal information, that is visible to the general public. For example:

  • Parts of your public profile page, such as your first name, your description, and city, are publicly visible to others.
  • Listing pages are publicly visible and include information such as the Accommodation or Experience’s approximate location (neighborhood and city) or precise location (where you have provided your consent), Listing description, calendar availability, your public profile photo, aggregated demand information (like page views over a period of time), and any additional information you choose to share.
  • After completing a booking, Guests and Hosts may write Reviews and rate each other. Reviews and Ratings are a part of your public profile page and may also be surfaced elsewhere on the YOLOFarms Platform (such as the Listing page).
  • If you submit content in a community or discussion forum, blog or social media post, or use a similar feature on the YOLOFarms Platform, that content is publicly visible.

Based on our legitimate interest to promote the YOLOFarms Platform we may display parts of the YOLOFarms Platform (e.g., your Listing page) on sites operated by YOLOFarms’s business partners, using technologies such as widgets or APIs. If your Listings are displayed on a partner’s site, information from your public profile page may also be displayed.

Information you share publicly on the YOLOFarms Platform may be indexed through third party search engines. In some cases, you may opt-out of this feature in your Account settings. If you change your settings or your public-facing content, these search engines may not update their databases. We do not control the practices of third party search engines, and they may use caches containing your outdated information.

4.3 Additional Services by Hosts.

Hosts may need to use third party services available through the YOLOFarms Platform to assist with managing their Accommodation or providing additional services requested by you, such as cleaning services or lock providers. Hosts may use features on the YOLOFarms Platform to share information about the Guest (like check-in and check-out dates, Guest name, and Guest phone number) with such third-party service providers for the purposes of coordinating the stay, managing the Accommodation, or providing other services. Hosts are responsible for third-party service providers they use and ensuring those service providers process Guest information securely and in compliance with applicable laws including data privacy and data protection laws.

4.4 Compliance with Law, Responding to Legal Requests, Preventing Harm and Protection of our Rights.

YOLOFarms and YOLOFarms Payments may disclose your information, including personal information, to courts, law enforcement, governmental authorities, tax authorities, or authorized third parties, if and to the extent we are required or permitted to do so by law or if such disclosure is reasonably necessary: (i) to comply with our legal obligations, (ii) to comply with legal process and to respond to claims asserted against YOLOFarms, (iii) to respond to valid requests relating to a criminal investigation or alleged or suspected illegal activity or any other activity that may expose us, you, or any other of our users to legal liability, (iv) to enforce and administer our Terms of Service, the Payment Terms or other agreements with Members, or (v) to protect the rights, property or personal safety of YOLOFarms, its employees, its Members, or members of the public. For example, Host tax information may be shared with tax authorities or other governmental agencies.

These disclosures may be necessary to comply with our legal obligations, for the protection of your or another person's vital interests or for the purposes of our or a third party’s legitimate interest in keeping the YOLOFarms Platform secure, preventing harm or crime, enforcing or defending legal rights, facilitating the collection of taxes and prevention of tax fraud or preventing damage.

Where appropriate, we may notify Members about legal requests unless: (i) providing notice is prohibited by the legal process itself, by court order we receive, or by applicable law, or (ii) we believe that providing notice would be futile, ineffective, create a risk of injury or bodily harm to an individual or group, or create or increase a risk of fraud upon YOLOFarms’s property, its Members and the YOLOFarms Platform. In instances where we comply with legal requests without notice for these reasons, we will attempt to notify that Member about the request after the fact where appropriate and where we determine in good faith that we are no longer prevented from doing so.

4.5 Business Transfers.

If YOLOFarms undertakes or is involved in any merger, acquisition, reorganization, sale of assets, bankruptcy, or insolvency event, then we may sell, transfer or share some or all of our assets, including your information in connection with such transaction or in contemplation of such transaction (e.g., due diligence). In this event, we will notify you before your personal information is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.

4.15 Aggregated Data.

We may also share aggregated information (information about our users that we combine together so that it no longer identifies or references an individual user) and other anonymized information for regulatory compliance, industry and market analysis, research, demographic profiling, marketing and advertising, and other business purposes.


We are continuously implementing and updating administrative, technical, and physical security measures to help protect your information against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, or alteration. Some of the safeguards we use to protect your information are firewalls data encryption, and information access controls. If you know or have reason to believe that your YOLOFarms Account credentials have been lost, stolen, misappropriated, or otherwise compromised or in case of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of your YOLOFarms Account, please contact us following the instructions in the Contact Us section below.


YOLOFarms reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time in accordance with this provision. If we make changes to this Privacy Policy, we will post the revised Privacy Policy on the YOLOFarms Platform and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of this Privacy Policy. We will also provide you with notice of the modification by email at least thirty (30) days before the date they become effective. If you disagree with the revised Privacy Policy, you may cancel your Account. If you do not cancel your Account before the date the revised Privacy Policy becomes effective, your continued access to or use of the YOLOFarms Platform will be subject to the revised Privacy Policy.


  • The primary guest must be at least 18 years of age to be able to check into the farm.
  • It is mandatory for guests to present valid photo identification at the time of check-in. According to government regulations, a valid Photo ID has to be carried by every person above the age of 18 staying at the farm. The identification proofs accepted are Aadhar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, and Passport. Without an Original copy of a valid ID, the guest will not be allowed to check-in.
  • A PAN card is not accepted as a valid ID card.
  • The stay of 1 child up to 5 years of age is complementary without the use of an extra mattress. Breakfast charges may be applicable for the child.
  • Should any action by a guest be deemed inappropriate by the farm, or if any inappropriate behaviour is brought to the attention of the farm, the farm reserves the right, after the allegations have been investigated, to take action against the guest.
  • Certain destinations may have different policies for specific times during the year.
  • Guests shall be liable for any damage, except normal wear and tear to farm assets. Guest shall keep the farm in a good condition and maintain hygiene and cleanliness.
  • Certain policies are booking-specific and are informed to the customer while making the booking. (House-Rules)
  • No Smoking Policy & No Alcohol (Including all Drugs) for YOLOFarms: We take pride in keeping all our farms fresh and clean, and discourage smoking or any other illegal activities in the farms.
  • As we continue to strive to improve our services, YOLO may reach out to guests to get feedback on their experience through calls or messages.
  • All laws are followed and governed by "IN" Indian Law.